If you find yourself bugging out of a location and need to survive for 48 hours then you will need a little more supplies than the 24 hour bag.
You may like to add fire making supplies and maybe a few tools and accessories plus you will also need a bit more food and with that a way of cooking. Even with the extra day of supplies you should still only take what you need and don’t get weighed down carrying unneeded gear. If you can’t find what you are looking for below just check out the rest of the website for more options.
Suggested contents Poncho, Paracord, Bungees, Survival bag, Foil Blanket, Food Rations, Mess tin set, Water bottle and mug, Fold out cooker with fuel, Spoon/Spork, Waterproof matches, Water purification tablets, First Aid Pack, Folding Knife, head Light.